My Bestest Friend
The distance between you and I
Is only a heartbeat away,
For you and I dwell in each other's heart -
There forever we will stay.
You know all my emotions,
Many they may be.
You know when to be gentle,
And when to chastise me.
Two gentle souls deeply connected,
Thoughts not spoken,
There is no need -
For the other knows what one is thinking
Even before they speak.
So with all the love I have
In my heart today,
I want to express to you
These feelings I want to stay.
Two Souls, One Voice
Although two souls are meeting
there is but one voice
capturing the moment
captivating and controlling
the thoughts, actions, words
leading the way for conscious
desire and decisive emotion
stories and daily goings- on
are frequently passed
between the one voice
and the intermixed beings
creating a warm happiness
a sense of belonging
an aura of completeness
a comfortable existence
time, a distant memory
fading in and fading out,
its power and autonomy fall
on blissfully ignorant,
yet distinctly aware,
ears - focused and true
with the quantity
of well spent hours
adding up and summarizing
the feelings and beliefs
shared and opposed,
comes an ability
to confide and uphold
moments, eternities
abundant with understanding.
The Eyes
I gaze into twin pools of warmth
Bright and sparkling
I see something indescribable
Something I can't quite put my finger on.
Twin pool, blazing and brilliant
Making all your sweetness
And all your compassion
Crystal clear.
Twin pools shimmering and glimmering
Showing how you're
Sweet, sensitive, caring and kind
Funny athletic cunning and friendly
Twin pools, so animated and intense
Help me to share
Your love of life,
Your life of love.
I gaze into twin pools of warmth and
I see the sweetest person I've ever met or ever will meet
I recognize a sincere and honest guy who can never be replaced
I realize you are so special because
When I look into your eyes
I witness a miracle, I find a friend.